Preventable Causes Of Gingival Recession
Some causes of gum recession are difficult, if not impossible, to prevent. For example, some people are genetically predisposed to gum recession and pregnant mothers are also susceptible to the condition due to hormonal changes. However, there are other preventable, manageable or treatable factors that worsen or initiate the condition in other people. Here are a few examples:
Misaligned Bite
Crooked teeth exert an excessive pull on the adjacent gum tissues. Over time, gum recession kicks in because the misaligned teeth pull the gums in one direction while the other teeth pull them in the opposite direction. In addition to that, misaligned teeth also lead to more tartar buildup, and tartar is also a contributing factor to gum recession.
Therefore, fixing your misaligned bite will help to prevent gum recession. Depending on the nature and extent of the misalignment, treatments include the use of braces, reshaping, extraction or surgery, among others.
Tobacco Use
Tobacco contains numerous chemicals that interfere with blood circulation in the gum tissues. This makes it easy for opportunistic infections to destroy the tissues and causes them to recede. Even smokeless tobacco is not exempt from this blame. The salt crystals in the tobacco (used to aid nicotine absorption) irritate the gum and make them recede.
Aggressive Brushing
Although regular brushing is good, brushing too hard or too frequently can cause gum recession. Using a hard-bristled toothbrush can have the same effect. Repeated scrubbing of the gums causes them to recede, and the effect is usually more pronounced around the canines and premolars. Therefore, if you think you have been using too much pressure when brushing, then it is time to switch to light pressure and change to a medium or soft bristled brush.
Oral Piercings
If you have
To reduce gum irritation, wear properly sized jewelry and have it placed at a professional establishment. It is also believed that nonmetallic jewelry is less irritating than metallic jewelry.
Even if your genes predispose you to