
Adults Have Many Options Today to Get Straighter Teeth

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Adults Have Many Options Today to Get Straighter Teeth

My crooked teeth always bothered me, but I didn't want to wear typical metal braces for years as an adult. I thought that was my only option until I brought up the subject one day to my dentist. He told me that there were so many more options today that I should consider. I made an appointment with an orthodontist to discuss my options, and he said that I was a great candidate for invisible teeth aligners. He said that other people would not even notice them in my mouth, and that I likely only needed to wear them for a year. I was so happy I made that first appointment, because I now have straight teeth and am so happy with my smile. I created this blog to help other adults realize they have many discreet teeth-straightening options today. No should live with a smile they don't love!

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How A Family Dentist Can Care For Your Child's Teeth Based On Their Genetics

Have you ever noticed that some people have awful dental hygiene, yet they never have to visit the dentist? But you clean your teeth religiously and still have cavity problems? Well, you can actually blame your genes for that. However, the genetic problems with your teeth could be inherited by your kids, which will play a role in the health of their teeth. Because their teeth will be impacted by a number of different gene codes, consider these two points when you are thinking about choosing a new dentist.


For some people, the enamel that covers the interior of your teeth is softer than others. In rare cases, a person may experience Amelogenesis imperfecta, which is an enamel development disorder. The thickness of the enamel of your teeth and how it develops is determined by your genes.

If your child has a parent that has soft or thin enamel, there is a possibility they will too. When not taken care of, enamel erosion can lead to teeth that are sensitive, discolored, or chipped. Your child's dentist needs to be aware of this as your child gets older, as severe enamel erosion needs resin filling, porcelain veneers, or crowns to correct the problem.

Sweet Tooth

A person's love of all things sweet to eat is also determined by a gene they have inherited from their parents. In fact, there are two sweet receptor genes that can appear in a human, and these will make the determination whether your child is already predisposed to liking sweet things before they are even born.

The problem with that sugary love is that it can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Hard candies are one of the worst culprits as they can get stuck in the grooves of the teeth. When not removed, they lead to a plaque which likes to eat away at the surface of the teeth. Cavities and enamel erosion are what happens when plaque gets out of control, and that's when invasive dental treatment is required to make things right.

So how do genes impact on dentist choice? Choosing family dentists, like Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry, that everyone in the family sees can make sure that your child's dental care is tailored to suit their genetic makeup. As the dentist will have the full dental history of every person in the family, they know exactly what may be the main trouble points as your child's teeth grow. Proactive, rather than reactive, treatment can prevent major dental incidents from occurring. Therefore, it makes sense to choose a family dentist who can care for everyone you love.