Are Dental Bridges Right For You?
If you have suffered from tooth loss, a dental bridge could be a good option to restore your smile. Dental bridges consist of a false tooth that is anchored to two adjacent teeth so as to replace a lost tooth. The false tooth used usually resembles your natural teeth, helping to make your smile complete and whole again while improving your dental function.
Furthermore, a bridge can help prevent the shifting of adjacent teeth after tooth loss, preventing other dental complications such as a misaligned bite and crooked teeth. But do you qualify for a dental bridge? Read on to learn whether a dental bridge could be right for you.
You have one or more successive missing teeth
Typically, dental bridges are most effective when used to replace one or more consecutive missing teeth in one section of the mouth. This is because these dental devises effectively bridge the gap between teeth, and need to be anchored by natural teeth on both ends.
Dentists usually remove a bit of enamel from adjacent teeth to create space into which the false tooth is cemented to. A metal or porcelain framework may also be used to anchor the bridge to the adjacent teeth, creating a firm, natural looking replacement. Basically, bridges can work well even if you have up to three consecutive missing teeth, but any more extensive tooth loss in one area would essentially make you an unsuitable candidate.
Your adjacent teeth are strong
Dental bridges need to be anchored to strong, healthy teeth on either side of the missing space so as to create a strong artificial tooth that won't shift while you chew or bite. This means that you need healthy teeth that aren't affected by decay or weakened by gum disease on either side of the missing tooth for the bridge to work.
Your dentist may recommend treating tooth decay or gum disease on adjacent teeth before you can qualify for a dental bridge or install an implant-supported bridge that is held in place by dental implants anchored to the jaw bone.
You dislike partial dentures and implants
A dental bridge could be a great option for you if you want a firm tooth replacement but don't want to go through oral surgery so as to have a dental implant installed into your jaw bone. Bridges are also an alternative for partial dentures, which are typically removable but less secure than bridges. Contact a company like Premier Dental Group to learn more.