
Adults Have Many Options Today to Get Straighter Teeth

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Adults Have Many Options Today to Get Straighter Teeth

My crooked teeth always bothered me, but I didn't want to wear typical metal braces for years as an adult. I thought that was my only option until I brought up the subject one day to my dentist. He told me that there were so many more options today that I should consider. I made an appointment with an orthodontist to discuss my options, and he said that I was a great candidate for invisible teeth aligners. He said that other people would not even notice them in my mouth, and that I likely only needed to wear them for a year. I was so happy I made that first appointment, because I now have straight teeth and am so happy with my smile. I created this blog to help other adults realize they have many discreet teeth-straightening options today. No should live with a smile they don't love!

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4 Things To Do After A Professional Teeth Whitening

Working to keep your teeth as white as possible will require the right amount of effort. The most effective way to making this happen will rest in getting a professional whitening job. This will usually only take one visit to your dental provider and should be a painless situation. However, to get the best possible results, you will want to know specific things you should do and avoid after this treatment, such as:

Avoid smoking

You shouldn't smoke after having your teeth whitened because doing so could cause your teeth to stain again. It's best to put off having any tobacco in your life for a day or two after completing this process. Of course, there are numerous other reasons to stop smoking for your health and you may want to consider these.

Stay away from alcohol

There are numerous things that can prevent your teeth from being as white as you'd like after going to the trouble of this procedure. One of these includes drinking beverages that are dark in color.

For instance, you will want to avoid consuming red wine and other drinks that could cause your teeth to stain. It's important to avoid drinking these entirely for at least a couple days after you visit the dentist.

Don't use colored dental products

You may have a tube of blue toothpaste you've been using for a while and didn't want to give it up anytime soon. However, it's important to avoid using any colored toothpaste or mouthwash after having a professional teeth whitening done if you want to enjoy the results for as long as possible.

Eat and drink clear colored items

It's important to stick to foods or drinks that are clear in color to ensure there isn't any immediate staining on your teeth. You may want to do this for a couple of days for your peace of mind in knowing you won't damage your efforts.

Some liquids you can drink include water, light or no color sodas and spritzers. Some foods you may want to consume are pasta, potatoes, egg whites, white bread, and many others.

You're sure to feel more confident when you have whiter teeth. The key to making this possible will rest in seeing your dental provider and getting this professionally done to enable you to enjoy the results. Be sure to work closely with your dentist to ensure you have the best possible whitening experience today!

Contact a company like Accent On Dentistry - Rowena R Martir DMD for more information and assistance.