
Adults Have Many Options Today to Get Straighter Teeth

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Adults Have Many Options Today to Get Straighter Teeth

My crooked teeth always bothered me, but I didn't want to wear typical metal braces for years as an adult. I thought that was my only option until I brought up the subject one day to my dentist. He told me that there were so many more options today that I should consider. I made an appointment with an orthodontist to discuss my options, and he said that I was a great candidate for invisible teeth aligners. He said that other people would not even notice them in my mouth, and that I likely only needed to wear them for a year. I was so happy I made that first appointment, because I now have straight teeth and am so happy with my smile. I created this blog to help other adults realize they have many discreet teeth-straightening options today. No should live with a smile they don't love!

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To Cap It Off: What To Understand About Dental Cap Fit Issues

Caps, also known as crowns, allow dental patients to tackle problem teeth on two fronts. They protect the tooth from further damage while looking as attractive as your natural teeth. Fit is key when it comes to a cap, so read on to find out why that is so important before you get your teeth capped.

Caps Have Several Benefits

If you have a tooth that is cracked, broken, discolored, or decayed, a cap may be the right solution for you. Caps can be fitted on your damaged tooth in a manner that looks perfectly natural. The shape and shade of the cap will match your natural teeth and it's very likely that no one will even know you are wearing a cap. Caps can be made of several different types of materials. Choosing between gold, platinum, porcelain, and metal alloys involves a discussion with your dentist about the longevity of each type of cap material along with price considerations. As for fit issues, take a look at why a properly fitting cap will produce the comfortable, natural, and long-lasting benefits you want.

Bite on This

Caps can affect your bite if they are not fitted properly. Your dentist will compare your bite before the cap to the completed result to determine any fit issues. Give yourself a few weeks to adjust to the cap but contact your dentist if you have problems biting and chewing food or if you notice your teeth banging together often. Caps can be shaped even after they are in place, so contact your dentist to find out more.

Notice the Gap

Caps must fit close enough to the teeth on either side while still leaving you room to move a flosser between them to clean them. Close contact with the teeth on either side provides your cap with more stability than if there are gaps. If your natural teeth had gaps, you might need to adjust to the difference once you have a cap in place. Once your cap is in place, let your dentist know if the gap is larger than expected or you cannot floss between the cap and other teeth.

Loose Caps Are Not Optimal

It can take time to get used to the way your new cap feels, especially if you spent quite a bit of time with a damaged tooth. The cap may feel large and cumbersome at first and that is normal. What is not normal, though, are loose-fitting caps. You should not be able to wiggle the cap around with your fingers. In some cases, more dental cement will stop that wiggling and create a stronger bond between the natural tooth and the cap. That increases both comfort and stability.

Talk to your dentist to find out more about caps and fit issues.