Do You Have Children? 4 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Their Smiles
If you have children, you know how important routine dental care is to their health. You might not know that your children can also benefit from cosmetic dentistry. That's because most people equate cosmetic dentistry with adult dental needs. However, cosmetic dentistry can help protect your children's teeth. If you're not sure how cosmetic dentistry can benefit your children, read the list provided below. You'll find four reasons to schedule cosmetic dentistry for your children.
Repair Damaged Teeth
If any of your children have chipped or broken teeth, you might think that extraction is the only option. That's not the case though. You might not realize this, but your children can have their teeth fixed using bonding, or veneers. Bonding and veneers can repair all types of dental defects. Best of all, with no-prep veneers, there's no need to remove any of the enamel. Instead, the thin sheets of veneer are placed right on the surface of the tooth.
Replace Missing Teeth
If one of your children has missing teeth, they might not feel confident about their smile. That's where cosmetic dentistry for your children comes into the picture. A cosmetic dentist can create a dental flipper for your child. Dental flippers are temporary dental appliances that replace missing teeth. Dental flippers can replace missing teeth until their permanent teeth grow in. Did one of your children lose a tooth due to injury or decay? Dental flippers can get used until your child is old enough for a dental implant procedure.
Restore Stained Teeth
You might think they're too young for whitening treatments. That might not be the case, though. If your child has most of their permanent teeth, a cosmetic dentist can remove stains using whitening treatments. However, it is important that you have the whitening treatment performed by a dentist. That way, there's no risk of tooth damage.
Realign Crooked Teeth
If your children have crooked teeth, orthodontic braces can get them back into their proper position. You might not think that braces fall into the category of cosmetic dental procedures, but they do. Crooked teeth can undermine your children's self-esteem and self-confidence. But, crooked teeth can also cause speech and dietary problems for your children. That's why orthodontic braces are such an important part of childhood cosmetic dentistry procedures.
Give your children the gift of good dental care. Talk to your family dentist about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry for your children.